Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. III John 1:2
When we read and study God’s Word about healing, we immediately think of physical healing. But there is another aspect of our wellness that is just as important to God and that is our emotional health.
A precious woman of God once told me of how she was instantly healed from all her emotional wounds and scars. Since God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11), I began seeking Him for instant emotional healing that I desperately wanted and needed.
In God’s infinite wisdom, He chose a better way: to heal one memory at a time.
I had to work through each sorrowful memory by acknowledging my sin, if any, and asking God’s forgiveness. I was shocked to learn that I too had sinned in some of the offenses towards me by how I responded and reacted.
Once I asked for God’s forgiveness, I could then focus on forgiving the one who caused the suffering.
The transgressions were real and I had to be careful not to consider myself a victim. That is the enemy’s tactic to draw us away from the One who heals.
However, emotional healing is not always easy to obtain because sometimes we would just rather “forget” the pain and go on about our lives.
I had to remind myself that just as we must carefully tend to a physical wound to bring healing, though it causes pain, we must do the same with emotional healing.
Jesus will lead us to spiritual growth and emotional maturity for stepping out in faith to allow Him to bring that healing.
It took a few days to work through just one memory at first. But as I worked through each one, as uncomfortable as it was, something extraordinary happened.
I was able to process each memory with God’s grace and mercy and forgiveness flooded my soul.
The healing finally came but I was not alone on this journey to this cherished healing. Some of my closest friends cried with me, encouraged me and prayed with me and for me.
It was challenging at first and I asked God for a lot of help. He was patient and He was there through every step.
And for this I give Him all the praise and glory!
Just as it sometimes hurts for a bandage to come off, we know that it cannot stay on forever. That first step will be the most difficult one, but if you make the first move, God will be right there with you because healing is here for you!
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
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