Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. Micah 7:7
I was working at a law firm earning a very good salary. The only drawback was that it was far from home. The commute was long and Houston traffic made it longer. I would leave early in the morning and come home late in the evening and didn’t get to spend much time with my children. After eighteen months of doing this I began to pray about a new job closer to home.
The only answer I seem to get was to step out in faith and quit my job so that I could look for a job. How can a single mom with only a few weeks of expenses in savings just up and quit? I didn’t know how God was going to handle this, but I did exactly what God wanted me to do. I turned in my notice and quit my job.
Have you ever heard anyone say that God answers prayers at 11:59:59? It’s not the literal time of course but a figure of speech that I’ve often heard others speak when God comes in at what seems the last second to answer a prayer. And this was going to be one of those answered prayers…
I was at the end of the second week of being unemployed and the money was dwindling rapidly. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and try to get some kind of government assistance. Imagine my shock when I was denied. Goodness! I had to quickly remind myself of Psalm 37:25 “…I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.” (ESV)
God never fails and He was not about to now.
I figuratively threw my hands in the air and told the Lord, “OK Lord, today is Friday and I have to have a job by Monday, what now?” I had submitted my resume to so many places and still had not heard from anyone.
I decided to try something different and go to an employment agency. I used their public computer to submit my resume to an employment website that shares resumes with hundreds of companies. I left the office feeling confident that God was going to open a door for me.
Monday morning rolls around and I sit down in front of my computer to continue the job search. The call for an interview comes in from a company only minutes away from home. The office manager tells me during the interview that she found my resume on the very same employment website I used that Friday before.
I could only smile and quietly give thanks to Jesus, my Provider. I was offered a position the same day and asked to start the next day. God gave me what I asked for, a job by Monday. In other words, the job came at 11:59:59 because He is an on time God, oh yes He is!
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