For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great…saith the Lord of hosts. Malachi 1:11
I don’t have many items on my bucket list. But the one thing that is at the very top is to see a glorious sunset on the ocean water.
Driving home from work one evening, I see a new billboard in the distance displaying a sunset on the water.
My delight immediately turns into horror the closer I get to it. The company advertised their logo as the sun’s reflection in the water.
I could not believe how they promoted their logo as part of God’s creation!
I vented my frustrations to the Lord and told Him that I wanted to see that sign come down.
This was not a literal mountain that needed to come down, but I found it fitting to pray Matthew 17:20:
And Jesus said unto them…If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove…
I had to see this billboard everyday on my way home so I did what I knew to do. Pray for it to come down.
What happened a few weeks later left me completely astonished and amazed.
A hurricane blew in and knocked the billboard down from its lofty perch and splintered it into several pieces!
God answered my prayer and removed the sign through strong winds. Thankfully, no one was hurt when the billboard came down.
The company never replaced the billboard with the same graphic design again. Hallelujah!
A few years later, God granted me the desire of my heart to see the most magnificent sunset on the ocean water when my granddaughter was born.
She was born in Hawaii and I knew immediately two things. First, I was going for a visit to see this precious newborn baby as well as see my son and his beautiful family.
Second, I was going to see the sunset of a lifetime!
A few days after my arrival in Honolulu, my son drove us all out to one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.
The Lord showed off His splendor as He lowered the sun and cast its reflection onto the ripples of the ocean water. I was left in awe of our Creator and the beauty of His creation.
Witnessing this magnificent sight reminded me of Psalm 113:3:
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised.
Praise His Name indeed!
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