I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13
My children learned this scripture early on in life. It was my favorite response every time they would tell me “I can’t (fill in the blank).” God’s words finally sunk in because one day, my oldest son started to say “I can’t” when I asked him to do something and he realized immediately that my response would be “I can do what?” and he ended up quoting the scripture himself!
This scripture was easy to say to them when it came to things like their homework, chores, etc. but it was also for the hard things they were going to face in life – heartbreak, rejection, peer pressure, disappointment, and the list goes on.
The beauty of always quoting this scripture is that eventually I would have to say it myself. When faced with a challenge or difficult situation I’d say “I can’t do this” and God would quickly remind me “I can do what?” and of course I knew the answer. God always gives me the strength I need to get through difficult and trying situations.
The Lord will not ask us to do anything that He will not give us His strength to do. Without Jesus we can do nothing (John 15:5). But through Him, we can do all things because He said so and we can trust Him and take Him at His Word.
We can get through the challenging times, the death of loved ones, health issues, financial hardships, family crises, and so on. Through Him we can make wise decisions, raise children, resist temptations, finish a project, start a project, get a degree, go on a job interview or start a business.
I was teaching my two year old granddaughter a memory card game just this week and when it was her turn she said “I can’t.” I quoted her Philippians 4:13…
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