Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
My daughter was recently involved in a wreck. She wasn’t at fault and thankfully, she walked away with only some minor aches and pains.
I had just entered my office when she called to tell me the news. It was her first accident and she was terrified to say the least. I left work immediately but I was 25 minutes away from her and I felt so helpless.
I called my family to pray and then I called a dear friend to ask her to pray as well. She told me she wasn’t too far from the accident site and that she would go check on my daughter for me.
My friend and her son arrived on the scene and stayed with my daughter until I got there. They stayed several more minutes even though they were going to be late to their destination.
These precious friends were there to help in our time of need and I was ever so thankful for their support at such a frightening moment!
I think back to other situations I’ve experienced and I am reminded of how God helps us time and time again through friends and family with the burdens we sometimes bear.
I vividly remember an incident involving my children, and I desperately needed help. I felt so alone and too frazzled to pray.
However, the Lord knew I was going to need help. Just when I thought I would lose my cool, some friends showed up at my doorstep and offered the support and words of encouragement to ease the burden.
We are not alone in our times of distress because God said He would never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). And we can turn over all our concerns to Him:
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7
Because of the love of Jesus, family & friends, I am moved with compassion to extend prayer, support and encouragement to help bear the burdens of others.
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