I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine…Song of Solomon 6:3
I’ve often heard it said that if you are not happy as a single person, you will not be happy as a married person. You have to be content being single because if you’re miserable single, you’ll be miserable married!
I was divorced and certainly had no desire to remarry. I was happy and content – most of the time. There were days that I wanted to have someone to share my day with, to talk about life with and to have someone take care of the car maintenance! Thankfully, I was filled with an abundant joy of the Lord that those days were few and far between.
However, some years later during my Bible reading, I came across this scripture: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22 (ESV)
I’d read this scripture before and never gave it a second thought. But this time I asked the Lord that if He wanted me to be married again, to please show that man where to find me – his good thing! Months later I was introduced to the man who would be my husband.
When our relationship started to get serious, I began to struggle with thoughts that I was neglecting my relationship with the Lord. God knew my heart, and He knew that I would not put anyone before Him. Yet here was this man who wanted to give me his heart and wanted my heart in return. I couldn’t do it! All I could think to myself was, “Three’s a crowd!”
God was about to tell me otherwise…
One day at church a lady came up to me and said: “God wants to love you in a new way. Let Him love you in this new way.” She turned and walked away without any further explanation. I hadn’t told anyone what I was thinking so I knew the Lord was giving me His blessing on our relationship. God wanted to love me through this man who wanted to be my husband.
The Lord daily demonstrates just how much He loves me through my husband and for that I am blessed and thankful. Three is never a crowd in your marriage when God is first.
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